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Larry David was right about FTX
Larry David has expressed regret over appearing in a Super Bowl advert for the former cryptocurrency exchange FTX, whose founder Sam. Larry David addressed his commercial for the now-defunct crypto exchange FTX in which he touted how he is �never wrong� about a series. Summary: The Seinfeld co-creator admitted he didn't quite understand crypto before filming a Super Bowl commercial for the exchange FTX. Neither.
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The commercial, which aired during the Super Bowl, saw the Curb Your Enthusiasm star appear in a series of historical scenes dismissing various inventions including the wheel, the fork, coffee, the lightbulb and space travel. How David will fare is unclear. And I'm never wrong about this stuff. FTX collapsed spectacularly months later, and Bankman-Fried was convicted in November of stealing billions of dollars from customers. Comedian Larry David was self-deprecating when asked this week about his infamous Super Bowl commercial for Sam Bankman-Fried's cryptocurrency exchange FTX, which collapsed months after the ad.